The longest day ever
I don't think I've ever been as scared before as yesterday and last night.
Everything started as always. Lessons, kanji, studies. How far away all of that seems now. We had eaten sushi and desided that we didn't want to go home yet, it was after all friday. Me and Wilma went to Shinjuku and after Wilma had bought her stuff we walked around fot a bit. We went to Nishi-Shinjuku and walk around without a plan. We walked over a big crossing and I felt the ground shaking a little. "Wilma, it's shaking", she looked up and felt it too. This was at the beginning of this big crossing, we didn't really think about it that much, it has been a few small earthquakes this week. But it wasnt just a small earthquake this time. The time was 14.46.
Before we were over the road the houses had started swaying and and the ground was shaking as if we were on a ship in a storm. Me and Wilma grabbed hold of each other and stood there, looking around. People were crying and hugging their friends and families. The skyscrapers around us were swaying as flagpoles in a hard wind and it felt like they would fall on us any second now and it almost seemd like the ground would crack. But thank god it didn't. At least not in Tokyo. I've never been that scared before. The shaking was so bad that you felt like you couldn't even walk properly wihout falling over. All we could do was to wait until the shaking stopped and everything would be like before again. When the shaking got a bit calmer we didn't want to move. There were a lot of people around us, I saw many paniked faces and many girls were crying. A old lady asked us if we were okey, she told us that it was the strongest earthquake that had hit tokyo for many many years.
After maybe ten minutes the shaking stopped. We started to walk again. We weren't really sure what to do. I've never seen Shinjuku like this before. There were so many people on the streets, but it was quiet, no one was screaming "irashaimasee" and no music was heard. Every store had been closed and every buildning evacuated. We walked for a while, waiting for the stores to open up, before it started again. This was the aftershock. "No! Not again!" said Wilma. But it wasn't as bad as the last one. But it was bad enough. When this one was over a group of evacuated office men asked us if we were alright. We were. Just a little scared. We stayed with them for a while. It felt nice to have them there. They were calm, and that made us a little calmer too. We asked them when the train would start again, I wanted to get home. He said that it usually took an hour before it started again. But he hadn't counted on all the other aftershockes. The train wouldn't start going again.
We counted to maybe 5 or 6 aftershocks before we decided to try to get home. My home was impossible to get to if I didn't walk for 2 or 3 hours, and I would never be able to find the way, a taxi was out of question, 100 000 of other people tried to do the same so we walked home to Wilma. We got home to her after walking for half an hour or so. We cheked the news and tried to get in contact with everyone. Awful pictures was showed on the television. The tsunami had hit other parts of Japan. Thank god I'm living in Tokyo. Thousands of people died and more are hurt or missing. Even more people lost their homes. The aftershockes are still coming as I'm writing this. Don't let more people die! This was the 7 worst earthquake in the world, ever. I will never forget about today. Please let all those people who are looking for their family and friends all over Japan find them, unhurt. And please, let this be the last one. I couldn't sleep all night. Every time I felt an aftershock I got worried that it would start again. If something like that had happend in Tokyo, even more people would had died. I will never forget this black day.
Everything started as always. Lessons, kanji, studies. How far away all of that seems now. We had eaten sushi and desided that we didn't want to go home yet, it was after all friday. Me and Wilma went to Shinjuku and after Wilma had bought her stuff we walked around fot a bit. We went to Nishi-Shinjuku and walk around without a plan. We walked over a big crossing and I felt the ground shaking a little. "Wilma, it's shaking", she looked up and felt it too. This was at the beginning of this big crossing, we didn't really think about it that much, it has been a few small earthquakes this week. But it wasnt just a small earthquake this time. The time was 14.46.
Before we were over the road the houses had started swaying and and the ground was shaking as if we were on a ship in a storm. Me and Wilma grabbed hold of each other and stood there, looking around. People were crying and hugging their friends and families. The skyscrapers around us were swaying as flagpoles in a hard wind and it felt like they would fall on us any second now and it almost seemd like the ground would crack. But thank god it didn't. At least not in Tokyo. I've never been that scared before. The shaking was so bad that you felt like you couldn't even walk properly wihout falling over. All we could do was to wait until the shaking stopped and everything would be like before again. When the shaking got a bit calmer we didn't want to move. There were a lot of people around us, I saw many paniked faces and many girls were crying. A old lady asked us if we were okey, she told us that it was the strongest earthquake that had hit tokyo for many many years.
After maybe ten minutes the shaking stopped. We started to walk again. We weren't really sure what to do. I've never seen Shinjuku like this before. There were so many people on the streets, but it was quiet, no one was screaming "irashaimasee" and no music was heard. Every store had been closed and every buildning evacuated. We walked for a while, waiting for the stores to open up, before it started again. This was the aftershock. "No! Not again!" said Wilma. But it wasn't as bad as the last one. But it was bad enough. When this one was over a group of evacuated office men asked us if we were alright. We were. Just a little scared. We stayed with them for a while. It felt nice to have them there. They were calm, and that made us a little calmer too. We asked them when the train would start again, I wanted to get home. He said that it usually took an hour before it started again. But he hadn't counted on all the other aftershockes. The train wouldn't start going again.
We counted to maybe 5 or 6 aftershocks before we decided to try to get home. My home was impossible to get to if I didn't walk for 2 or 3 hours, and I would never be able to find the way, a taxi was out of question, 100 000 of other people tried to do the same so we walked home to Wilma. We got home to her after walking for half an hour or so. We cheked the news and tried to get in contact with everyone. Awful pictures was showed on the television. The tsunami had hit other parts of Japan. Thank god I'm living in Tokyo. Thousands of people died and more are hurt or missing. Even more people lost their homes. The aftershockes are still coming as I'm writing this. Don't let more people die! This was the 7 worst earthquake in the world, ever. I will never forget about today. Please let all those people who are looking for their family and friends all over Japan find them, unhurt. And please, let this be the last one. I couldn't sleep all night. Every time I felt an aftershock I got worried that it would start again. If something like that had happend in Tokyo, even more people would had died. I will never forget this black day.
Japan365 - Takaosan

Todays pic: Lee-san, Takaomountain.
Japan365 - Kaminarimon

Todays pic: Asakusa, by Kaminarimon.
Japan365 - When you'r happy!

Todays pic: Sam in Odaiba